Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I forgot

I have posted that I would write in this blog Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Yesterday I forgot. I thought of it at work, but that's not the time nor place. Then I thought of it at home when I was in bed, and I thought my compulsion to go get a computer and write an entry quick was a sign that maybe I should let it go.

So I planned to do it first thing this morning.

With a kid who had a cough that kept us all up most of the night and the four-times-daily pink eye drops, I forgot AGAIN.

And now I'm just flummoxed.

Isn't that how writing often goes? We makes goals and deadlines and often miss them, not because we're lazy, but because life gets in the way. Well, the reality is, these 'failures' are okay, as long as you're only disappointing yourself and not an agent or editor. What matters is whether we use one 'failure' to alter our goals or deadlines. It's like New Year's resolutions or a diet... It's only a true failure if you allow one mistake to derail you. You have to keep at it, no matter how many times you disappoint yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of had the same realization about a week ago about my doodling blog.
