Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Humdrum status quo

So, it's the last few weeks of another semester. Just handed in a critique of a speech. I'm working on an macroeconomic analysis of potential cash-carrying limits in Afghanistan (which is torture for my creative brain) which is due Monday. Then Wednesday I give a 5-10 minute presentation on my international affairs capstone seminar project on nation-building in Djibouti. The actual project isn't due until finals week. And on the last day of class I have a group presentation due on the British pound and the Brazilian réal.

In the midst of all this, it's spring and many of my writing friends are renewing efforts on old projects, launching various web sites and other endeavors

Via Twitter and Facebook I watch my friends and the industry and I miss _my_ projects. But in the quiet moments I brainstorm random scenes, and jot down bits of dialogue even if I don't know where they fit. It's more about stress relief.

It's keeping a finger in the pie and soon I'll have a slice.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Battle of Algiers

My debut with Hippocampus Magazine is now live:

I was expecting it to be the Steve Jobs' book, not this one. Surprise!